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Redditors are the dumbest, most credulous idiots to ever walk the Earth

Literally just mainlining marketing material straight into whatever’s left of their rotting brains.


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  • I am once again returning to this thread (for god knows why probably because I am somewhat unhinged) to question whether one of these LLMs have done something or performed an action without user input. A very strong opinion, but I feel like LLMs are useful at this point to cut corners to solve bullshit problems. Honestly, I am kinda compelled to write a Godamn essay synthesizing material from Graeber with the current information coming out of tech bro hell because I feel like there’s a lot there.

    Even in my own job, my company is using GPT. To do what you might ask? Send emails, create reminders about emails, schedule meetings, respond to client requests that require the intervention of a living human who might have something on their desktop that needs to be shown to the client/edited accordingly. Or create some kind of meeting summary. Again, great. What’s the meeting about? Why can’t we just restructure this conversation in relation to to what end?

    We should all become rightfully intrigued when these “AI” begin acting on their own accord, but right now, they’re being controlled by people with an inhumane agenda, antithetical to the human experience. I guess this is just the case and point why the humanities shouldn’t have been gutted in the west-you can’t answer any of these questions with a formula that won’t end in some form of light eugenics. What happens when it does act by itself and you use it for your bs work? Awesome job! You just reinvented slavery! 🥰

    Functionally of course, none of this matters if it’s “AGI” or not when it’s a power grab of extreme levels by the bourgeois. Whether they admit it or not, humans will still be needed to do their “work” (it’s certainly not labor) and they will slowly use “AI” as a justification to reduce wages, benefits and what have you.

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