Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth
Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth
Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth
You provided a source that says most of the homeless people are unemployed (53% of sheltered and 40% of sheltered have jobs). I provided a source that says 2/3 of homeless people have a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Do you not know what the words "most" and "majority" mean?
As someone who just read over these comments: Your reading comprehension sucks.
Your own source says 1/3 of homeless have problems with alcohol/drugs. So 2/3 don't.
Of those 1/3 with problems 2/3 have lifetime histories of drug or alcohol use disorders.
so they must likely fucked up with drug use, and are nearing the end of rehab now
You still don't get it? Your argument was most of them are druggies. But your own source says 2/3 of them have no drug problem at all.
No, my argument was that drug use lead them to being homeless. A lot of homeless people are in rehab programs, and it helps them a lot. The source i listed is one of those programs. You seem like the one with reading comprehension issuses.
"If someone uses drugs, they deserve to be homeless."
"It's impossible that people would pick up a drug habit to cope with their homelessness problem."
"Anyone else who becomes homeless is just dumb or lazy. It's their fault they don't have my privilege and I'll ignore any amount of evidence to not rethink my shitty, self-entitled world view."
YOUR source said only 1/3 have a current substance abuse issue. And my source said that 53% of homeless folks in shelters have jobs while 40% of unsheltered folks have jobs. Most homeless folks start out using shelters and then transition to living on the street as they loss hope and ergo lose employment as their Material Conditions worsen. I am done arguing with your surface level understanding of a complex crisis. I pray you and yours never experience the crushing hopelessness that is living on the street and not knowing where you will rest your head.
we wont because we know how to work for our bread
How many people become homeless while having full-time work? I'm sure they just didn't work hard enough to deserve a place to live.
Whatever you say little buddy.
Did you zone out during the part where it was explained over half of homeless people work?
No one chooses to be a drug addict or an alcoholic, you cretin.