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Americans, how would you feel about making student loans completely illegal?

This would save young Americans from going into crippling debt, but it would also make a university degree completely unaffordable for most. However, in the age of the Internet, that doesn't mean they couldn't get an education.

Consider the long term impact of this. There are a lot of different ways such a situation could go, for better and for worse.


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  • Consider that maybe people shouldn't be taking 50k in debt right out of highschool for a degree they aren't sure they really want in a field that's already over saturated. I feel for the kids who were young and dumb and goaded into signing on the dotted line but ultimately it was their choice to take on debt and they reap what they sow.

    • Just like the PPP loans right? Pay it back if you took it out.

      Oh wait that absolutely didn't happen.

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