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A Bluecheck's Guide to Surviving NYC

I hope every lib that comes here is afraid for their lives tbh


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  • NYC actually has a lower homicide rate than the national average. It's literally one of the safest big cities in the US. But I guess chuds shit themselves because it's the biggest and most racially diverse?

    I take the train there a few times a year because it's close, and my dad always swears I'm gonna get mugged and shot one day because he always sees horror stories on the news? Like no shit some stuff happens in a gigantic densely populated metropolis. There's around 400 annual murders in a city of 9 million people, I'm literally safer there than I am visiting him. No getting through to boomer brain

    • People can't wrap their head around per capita statistics and it's fucking maddening.

    • I’ve taken the train in nyc several times a week for years (outside of Manhattan) and I’m fine. I’ve seen “crazy” people but I’ve never felt like I was about to be attacked once. That doesn’t mean I don’t practice “street smarts” and I avoid looking like a mark but cmon these people are fucking cowards and it’s all about them being afraid of black people.

      Of course even if I wasn’t fine that would still be a stupidly unreliable way to tell if something’s dangerous or not because anecdotes over data is their whole thing

      • a ton of people (especially americans) immediately see someone they deem "crazy" (it can vary from someone actually having mental health problems to someone just simply acting differently from them) and immediately think they're in danger. i really don't understand this phenomena. i encounter tons of people acting strange in public and not once felt like my own life was in danger. people really need to learn to mind their own business, a lot of good can come of it.

        • The commentary of that one guy who got choked to death on the subway pissed me off so much because he was literally just venting because he felt like shit and lived on the edge of the spectrum of person emaciated by capitalism Iit’s normal to witness this in America if you experience America outside of your car. To see that sort of thing and immediately decide you need to do murder is beyond out of touch and evil incarnate

      • What does looking like a mark entail?

        • At least in regards in to nyc it basically entails looking like you’re confused and not from the area. (Looking like a tourist, checking for directions meticulously, endlessly looking at your phone without your back against the wall ect) thus making someone feel they can can take advantage of you in some way. With that said I haven’t really had any problems and simply looking like you know what you’re doing whether you do or not helps a lot. Imo most of nyc is safe and there’s not really much to be worried about if you’ve done a modicum of research. Being afraid of being in the global north is pretty hilarious overall honestly

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