Distrobox is your friend. Me, I like an immutable OS (kinoite) but I still want the AUR...
distrobox-create --name arch --image archlinux:latest
distrobox enter arch
install yay as normal
yay -S vscodium
distrobox-export --app vscodium
yay exa
distrobox-export --bin /usr/sbin/exa
exit [back to kinoite]
exa [works]
vscodium [works, has icon in application launcher]
Also great when you get some software as a deb for old Ubuntu and don't want the trouble of manually making it work on a new system. Just make an old Ubuntu distrobox.
I'm actually aware of Distrobox, but the thing I had in mind was for managing gaming wheel drivers, so I don't think it'd work on distrobox. It's not really that big of a deal honestly, I just made this meme to poke fun at it ^^'