fair share?
fair share?
fair share?
Because they didn't make the business. If you started a business would you be happy to give away that ownership to every new employee you hire? If so, that's your choice, have fun.
Yes I'd be happ to.
Who cares who made it? And it's not the CEO that made it. The workers made it. Ever seen a big corporation with only one employee, its founder? No.
Without the workers a company is nothing. Without it's founder the company couldn't care less.
So it doesn't matter to you that you had to spend millions on startup costs, and that the business probably won't make money for a year or two, you keep that all to yourself, continue to pay employees, and give employees equal ownership?
Yeah, let me know how that works out for you.
Yea I don't care. I would not even start a company like that. Private ownership over companies (see means of production) must be abolished
So you’re saying we should just be communists now?!
Yea, pretty much.
But don't forget about the Anarcho- part!
Ummm... most companies are like that, it's very rare to have no startup costs and profits immediately. I would hate to think the options we would be stuck with if food and drinks were only what the government decided to support.