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Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe? Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?

Physicists and philosophers recently met to debate a theory of consciousness called panpsychism

Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?

Interesting article didnt know where it fit best so I wanted to share it here.

Philosophy fossilesque
Is Consciousness Part of the Fabric of the Universe?

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  • Conscienceness is a human concept, just like the concept of time.

    • just like the concept of time.

      Time is absolutely real. Physicists do not debate this with any merit. The book "The Secret" popularized the idea that physicists proved that time didn't exist but that book is cover-to-cover lies and mysticism.

      The second law of thermodynamics has time as an integral component. If scientists didn't believe time existed or mattered, I doubt that'd be the case. There's lots and lots and lots of examples of this, that one is just the most poignant.

      There's lots of things we don't understand about time, just like there's tons of things we don't understand about dark matter, gravity, and particle physics.

      • Everything you just said was a human creation 😂

        • Ah, this old chestnut.

          So what you're saying is nothing is real because it's all through our perceptions. So you do what? Ignore your senses? Ignore the reality and pretend it is what you want it to be? Curl up and die?

          No. You exist through your senses and try to make sense of the world around you through them. All our senses (not yours, clearly) are telling us that time exists. Everything we experience and see is added to the catalogue of knowledge on how the universe works. And everything points to laws that indicate that time exists. We experience it and we see non-human matter experience it.

          This is akin to saying gravity doesn't exist or the sun doesn't exist. Cool story, bro. Doesn't change a damn thing about how we live our lives. Can't float. Still need sunscreen. Time moves on.

    • Time is absolutely real, but our perception of it is incredibly limited.

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