It's been 13 years of "no, you can't do in the phone's webbrowser the thing you can do in a PC's webbrowser, you need to install a fucking app". People just accepted it. The fuckers accepted it.
Threads is a good example. I'm a hog for scrolling, so obviously I wanted to check out threads... but am greeted with a QR code to download the app. Why the fuck can't I just look at it my desktop web browser like literally every other one of these?? The obvious answer is: the actual purpose of these apps is to just sell more advertising data, and a browser version doesn't have the same access to the panopticon.
They launched without even having a desktop website and a lot of people couldn't paste images in the phone app, so they immediately hamstrung the people trying to upload actual fucking content, like oh wow I have a video I didn't shoot with my phone camera, time to upload it to Google Fucking Drive and then download it on my phone slowly and THEN upload it onto threads. So fucking dumb