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  • And I bet you're fun at parties


    Social Democrat is "a supporter or advocate of a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means."

    That's what a demsoc is. Social democrats support capitalism with social programs.

    Who are not, by any meaningful definition, more left than those of us with a soul.

    Speaking of succdems look how even in their mind palace they're already dehumanizing anyone to the left of them. This helps when they cooperate with and enable fascist parties like they do every time in history. "Tankies don't have a soul and they're going to kill you first so it's okay to let the nazis kill them actually" I'm a REAL leftist :D

    • Social Democrat is “a supporter or advocate of a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means.”

      That’s what a demsoc is. Social democrats support capitalism with social programs.

      You should tell Webster they're wrong. And Wikipedia. And Brittanica.

      By their definitions, a Socdem's insistence on using democracy at all costs is what differentiates between them and demsocs.

      By why is it so important for you to insist everyone use your nonstandard definition of the terms? Also, your calling us "succdems" tells me exactly everything I need to know about your permission. If I'm not willing to murder people, I'm less than human to you enough to be given a silly nickname.

      “Tankies don’t have a soul and they’re going to kill you first so it’s okay to let the nazis kill them actually” I’m a REAL leftist :D

      At this moment, you're on the wrong side of the "First they came for" poem because you're the one rejecting the Left.

      • You should tell Webster they're wrong. And Wikipedia. And Brittanica.

        Not to call the editors of those fine resources for elementary school aged children stupid or anything, but the adjective-noun pairs "social democrat" and "democratic socialist" literally imply within the terms themselves what these things are. A democratic socialist is a socialist who uses democratic means. It's on the tin.

        At this moment, you're on the wrong side of the "First they came for" poem because you're the one rejecting the Left.

        This has to be a bit

      • Merriam-Webster:

        Social democracy, noun
        a democratic welfare state that incorporates both capitalist and socialist practices

        So, uh, capitalist, according to Webster. It is very funny to say "I totally know the difference between SocDem and DemSoc", and then go on to not know.

        However, I'll write something up here. I'm from Denmark, a SocDem country. The current prime minister is Mette Frederiksen of the Social Democrat party. We are almost at SocDem as you can get.

        This Social Democracy of Denmark formed around the time of the Soviet Union starting to get more influential, as the capitalists of Denmark found themselves needing to provide concessions to the working population, since an example of better worker rights was right next door. This was the birth of Social Democracy in Denmark. It expanded to have free healthcare, education, and a pretty strong social safety net. Now these things are of course nice for the people living in Denmark, however the second that the USSR fell, austerity started happening. I cannot remember a time in the last 20 years where the government wasn't trying to "save money". Now our healthcare system is crippled, education is getting defunded, and social safety is the same.

        The only reason that the capitalist class of Denmark gave the concessions they did, was because the Soviet Union was next door. This is the reality. The capitalists will never give you anything, unless their security is threatened. To be a Social Democrat, and rejecting revolution as a concept, is to just play into what capitalists want. Social Democracy is just another way to preserve capitalism. It's not a solution, it's a band-aid for a bullet wound - might stop the bleeding for a bit, but it sure as hell will get infected if it's not treated properly. At best it's harm reduction, at worst it's a detriment to the rights of the working class.

        I'm not even getting into the exploitation necessary to uphold Social Democracy, and some of the other more icky elements of the ideology. I'm just giving you an example of what has happened to every single Social Democracy currently. I understand that it's nice to think about, but I promise you that it's not the solution to the problem.

        The DemSocs at least have a problem with capitalism, however while their insistence on pacifism, and reform sounds very nice, it has literally not worked once in history. Not a single time. One of the only time it got close was with Allende in Chile, and the US fucking killed him, because you cannot fight empire with just words. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. You need to be able to fight counter-revolution, sabotage, sanctions, threats, war, espionage, etc. You cannot do this within the system that is funding all those things. You have to move away from capitalism entirely, suddenly, and forcefully, otherwise you will be crushed.

        Call me a tankie if you want, I don't care. But if you are going to call me this, at least tell me why. Tell me what part of what I just wrote is wrong.

      • I'm less than human to you enough to be given a silly nickname

        did you think this one through at all? like, give it even a seconds thought?

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