@yogthos Sure you did. Using propaganda outlets as proof always proves people wrong. And the New World Order is real. And the moon landing was faked. And the Freemasons run the world economy. What else would you like to add to your conspiracy theories list? 😂
@yogthos Give me one credible source that says there was no genocide going on in Yugoslavia when they were bombed by NATO. Go on, I'll wait. 😂 Just to be clear, I didn't ask for one that says Milosevic was absolved. I said one saying there was no genocide occurring when NATO bombed them.
@yogthos The best you've got is Wikipedia, eh? LOL And, clearly you didn't read it. It provides zero verbiage that indicates genocide was not happening in Yugoslavia. And don't get me wrong. I'm never a proponent of war or bombing, but acting like this event is somehow precedent for what Russia is doing in Ukraine is ridiculous. The US and NATO are not perfect. But they've always worked to prevent genocide, unlike Russia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Kosovo_War
NATO has never worked to prevent genocide, and NATO is responsible for massacring people on an incredible scale with over 6 million people killed in war on terror alone. NATO invaded Yugoslavia unilaterally without an UN authorization. These are just plain facts, and you are a deeply dishonest individual who got caught lying repeatedly. I've got nothing else to say to you.