MAGAt loses his federal job
MAGAt loses his federal job
Cross posted from Discuit
MAGAt loses his federal job
Cross posted from Discuit
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How the fuck did democrats go from the party that hates misinformation to the party that believes implausible posts on a platform known to be full nonsense because it fits a cute narrative?
Because a bunch of dumbfucks voted for a guy that made it clear he was going to fire a bunch of federal employees and then he did so and a bunch of his voters lost their jobs.
So this really isn't much of a stretch to believe. If this exact scenario didn't happen, something close enough has happened to multiple people over the last 1.5 months, because that's what happens when you abruptly lose your source of income and live paycheck to paycheck, like most Americans.
How did getting laid off during cutbacks go from commonplace to implausible? Are you taking the wrong meds?
Nobody is this stupid. You're being intentionally dishonest.
USDA isn't the private sector. There are strict rules against firing the vast majority of employees. It's why Trump has largely gone after probationary employees, as they have less protections. Even that has been wrapped up in several different ongoing court cases.
There are also mortgage forbearance programs designed for temporary job loss. Even without them, foreclosure is a lengthy process. It's not something that's initiated after one missed payment.
So for this story to be true:
All of this is possible. The world is a strange place. However the confluence of all those things being true is highly improbable, perfectly matches the "dumb conservatives gonna regret their choice" narrative progressive influencers push, and is sourced from a platform known for being full of misinformation and bait.
Nobody is this stupid. You’re being intentionally dishonest.
When you start out like that there's no motivation for me to even read the rest of your comment. "Fuck you, now here's my opinion" is never a good opener.
Ah, the classic anything I don't agree with is fake news.
Like is this possible? Yes. However it's highly implausible, and conveniently matches the whole "stupid Drunpf supporters regret their decision" narrative that both Lemmy and reddit absolutely adore. To take this at any sort of face value without any genuine shred of concrete evidence is insane.
OP's neighbor is one of the minority of federal workers who are probationary employees, because that's the only group Elon has been able to really fire right now
This part isn't true. At this point, probably over half of the fired workers were permanent, from agencies that are closing or are implementing RIFs. Most are still drawing paychecks, but budgeting does (and should) change once someone is informed that they'll be out of a job in the next month or two.
For many agencies, these satellite offices often have monopsony power over workers of certain job skills. NOAA and the National Weather Service employ a lot of people who have job functions not really available from another employer, especially without moving. The same is true of NIH and CDC. HHS just announced the closure of several lawyer offices, and those specialists are going to have a bit of a rough time finding replacement jobs. USDA is a big organization, and have a ton of economists and scientists who would basically have to take a big pay cut if they're laid off in this environment.
You're downplaying just how devastating some of these job losses are, by ignoring that many of these people moved to these cities in reliance on the job stability they expected, and downplaying the number of people affected and the length of tenure these people have.
I don't have a strong view of whether this story is literally true of this specific account's neighbor. But I can tell you that versions of this story have happened to thousands already, and will happen to tens of thousands more.
In other words you don't give a shit about facts so long as they fit your worldview.
Everyone is assuming he lost the house. Maybe he got a better job and is moving to a new and better house, closer to the new job
If OP's neighbor got a promotion within the last 2 years he is a probationary employee.
Ah, the classic “don’t believe everything you read on the internet” is more like it. That’s half the reason we’re in the mess.
ask any millenial what all our parents were telling us until they got on facebook.
So anyways I started shit posting...
Considering how Lemmy feels about democrats and how everyone claims to be a true leftist…
Just because the Democrats are the most left leaning party available to Americans doesn't make the democratic party a left leaning party. If anything the Democrats are centerists because their ultimate objective is to maintain the status quo. Lemmy reaches to far more countries that just the United States, places that have left leaning parties. Even left-wing extremists parties, although they're definitely on the ropes lately.
The Democrats aren't a progressive party, they're a conservative party. It's just with MAGA in the room the scale has moved so far to the right that the center (conservative) seems progressive.
I’m not really sure what you’re responding to here. I’m just saying this person is assuming the poster isn’t a leftist on a site that more dominated by leftists than true blue democrats.
It’s a classic “anyone who does something wrong must be on a different team.”