Donald Trump Bought a $90,000 Tesla With 37 Recall Notices Against It
Donald Trump Bought a $90,000 Tesla With 37 Recall Notices Against It

Here’s hoping Elon Musk won’t have to personally fix President Trump’s new EV anytime soon.

Donald Trump Bought a $90,000 Tesla With 37 Recall Notices Against It
Here’s hoping Elon Musk won’t have to personally fix President Trump’s new EV anytime soon.
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Hearing Trump talk about how the car has 'computer' (during the news conference) made me think back to a news event with George H.W. Bush in a supermarket, seeing a grocery barcode scanner for the first time.
Same kind of inquisitive and excited response from both of them.
Trump did a supermarket thing while out doing his disinformation circuit, and the owner guy was trying to explain things to him and you could tell Trump had never grocery shopped and then quickly lost interest and tuned the guy completely out.
The McDonald's fries thing was also amusing when he learned "how fries were made" and that they put them in a basket and not scoop them out by hand lol.
Imagine if everyone in the world would just say "fuck no, I am not cooking for you" and the billionaires would die of starvation because they don't know how to do. Hilarious.
The McDonald’s fries thing was also amusing when he learned “how fries were made” and that they put them in a basket and not scoop them out by hand lol.
They could have let him learn that the hard way, but no.
Bobbing for fries might sound more like fun to him.
You know, Don, when a man potato and a woman potato love each other...
Fucker Carlson shopping in Moscow can be put there too since he is another head of the MAGA hydra.
WoW tHeY iNvEnTeD sHoPpInG cArT rEtUrNs