Yo! What's Goin' Down?
Yo! What's Goin' Down?
To Be Destroyed
Yo! What's Goin' Down?
To Be Destroyed
If you have enough in it to live comfortably, it's not better than rolling your own and paying at the capital gains rate. To actually save you better really like tuna fish sandwiches.
I would suggest you learn a little more about how Capital gains tax rates, both short-term and long-term, are impacted on a 1099 form, before talking about tax breaks, tax brackets, or investments. Please do not give anyone advice. You are not a financial advisor and the advice you are giving, would ensure no one has a life or savings before or even after retirement.
Advice you yourself seem determined to ignore.
Well let's compare advice.
Your advice is: "Don't invest money. Store it under your mattress. 401ks are scams because I don't understand taxes."
My advice is: "Don't listen to this moron."
Your reading comprehension issues do not speak well to your advisory abilities.
Then let's review, shall we.
I'll say you won this argument. This whole thing is actually my fault and I should have known better from your first reply. Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down and beat you with experience.
Wow, that was even worse than I thought. You truly cannot parse context. I'm so sorry for making fun of your disability.