The single biggest problem facing humanity right now is the epidemic of poor metabolic health
The single biggest problem facing humanity right now is the epidemic of poor metabolic health
Only 7% of US adults have optimal metabolic health Source
While the US might be leading the way, the rest of the world isn't far behind.
Poor metabolic health costs billions of dollars a day, millions of lives shortened needlessly, and is totally preventable.
Manifestations of Poor Metabolic Health
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cardiovascular Issues -- Hypertension -- CVD -- Atherosclerosis
- Obesity
- Systematic Inflammation
Quiz - Do you have optimal Metabolic Health?
- BMI < 25kg/m^2 && WC < 88cm (34.6in) women || WC<102cm (40.1in) men
- Fasting Blood Glucose < 100mg/dL && HbA1c <5.7% && No diabetes medication
- TC/HDL <3.5 && No lipid medication
- SBP <120 && DBP <80 && No BP medication
- No history of CVD