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Opinion Havers

The single biggest problem facing humanity right now is the epidemic of poor metabolic health

Only 7% of US adults have optimal metabolic health Source

While the US might be leading the way, the rest of the world isn't far behind.

Poor metabolic health costs billions of dollars a day, millions of lives shortened needlessly, and is totally preventable.

Manifestations of Poor Metabolic Health

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Issues -- Hypertension -- CVD -- Atherosclerosis
  • Obesity
  • Systematic Inflammation

Quiz - Do you have optimal Metabolic Health?

  • BMI < 25kg/m^2 && WC < 88cm (34.6in) women || WC<102cm (40.1in) men
  • Fasting Blood Glucose < 100mg/dL && HbA1c <5.7% && No diabetes medication
  • TC/HDL <3.5 && No lipid medication
  • SBP <120 && DBP <80 && No BP medication
  • No history of CVD

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