Ok, so I'm 44, and my parents literally played D&D and video games with us growing up. I literally don't remember a time in my life that I wasn't gaming.
That being said.
According to Steam:
Factorio: 4,330 hours
Dyson Sphere Program: 2,506 hours
Skyrim: 2440 hours
Stellaris: 2,237 hours
Dungeon Defenders: 1644 hours
Terraria: 1630 hours
Fallout 4: 602 hours
Also I probably have well over 10,000 hours in 2.5 edition, 3.0, and 3.5 edition D&D. Only counting actual tabletop time.
That's also not counting a fuckton of games that I have played on various consoles starting with a TI-99/A and and Atari 2600 as well as most of the early Nintendo consoles. I branched out once I got to college.
My numbers are actually quite low. I know multiple people that have 20,000+ hours in their favorite games.
Satisfactory scratches that same itch, in a totally different way. Adding that third dimension throws a lot of Factorio people off, because it makes it 'too easy'- if you build it wrong, it's fine, just go up a level.
Nah fam, play some more. Just going over the top song gonna cut it off the first few tiers. Especially if you want your factory to look good.