My sib has a friend that constantly criticizes others b/c they marginally contribute to injustices in the world (one example is how a family friend votes that specifically puts others at a disadvantage for affordable housing, making them commute for hours on end). That friend also worked with Purdue Pharmaceuticals defense team during their lawsuit lol
It's crazy to me how so many ppl can be so oblivious to their own hypocrisies.
I think this is a big stumbling block with Lefties we need to get over, especially young and eager ones.
People want so badly to belong, but there's so much of a culture of purity-testing and pre-judgement that they're terrified of being eaten by their own for doing any wrong whatsoever.
I appreciate trying to minimize harmful impact and maximize helpful impact, but people get so hostile because someone like, buys anything, or has a job. Get over yourselves, kids.