To follow this advice, I'd end up getting my bike out of the garage, riding around the block ... then going back inside to turn on my work laptop. I love working from home.
That being said, a 15 minute morning bike ride before work would still be a good idea.
That sounds pretty nice, but I'd just be happy with a system of protected trails where I live. I still ride but it can get pretty dangerous in some spots (this is why I ride with a camera and at least one means of self defense though, and a helmet of course).
That sounds lovely! I live in a city that has parkways and greenery along most of the river front -- if that were my route to work each day, I'd find it rather soothing. Beautiful path.
Go get breakfast then come back and start working? I did that when I was remote and it wasn't a 1:1 replacement for a good ride but it was still pretty good.
I suppose I could. It's not super practical, though. I don't have panniers on my bike, limiting the amount I can carry*
Also, it's a 20 minute bike ride to my usual grocery store - bad for cold stuff (only 5 minutes to the expen$ive local shop, TBF)*
Really, though, my wife picks up more of the groceries than I do -- she has a 20 minute drive to work, and the grocery store is only a 5 minute detour by car.
*(the starred items are minor obstacles, not deal-breakers. The more honest answer is "but biking would take more time!" which ... ok, is just laziness).
I have an enormous basket on the electric bike, room enough for groceries, and not even a bad ride to the store, but there is nowhere to secure it. Any half-assed locking of a bike here means no bike when you come out of the store!
I do ride to work but can park it inside the office.
With remote work I found having a routine to start and end the day help separate it, was killing some hobbies because was hard for my brain to separate them, so a fake commutes would actually probably be amazing for that.