The message to Democrats is clear: you must dump neoliberal economics
The message to Democrats is clear: you must dump neoliberal economics

The party must return to its progressive roots. A new economy is needed with new rules and new roles

The message to Democrats is clear: you must dump neoliberal economics
The party must return to its progressive roots. A new economy is needed with new rules and new roles
I think we can look at the House of Representatives for a better representation of how moderate/progressive the electorate is.
Sure, as long as we ignore that the Democratic Party protects centrists and actively opposes progressives in primaries.
The national party does not invest all that heavily into individual district primary races. When a few tens of thousands of people at most are voting, there's just only so far money can go. It's very feasible for a candidate with a small staff of volunteers to simply canvas the district themselves.
I'm afraid that conspiracy is not the reason we don't have more progressives in the House.
The national party does not invest all that heavily into individual district primary races.
Henry Cuellar.
At least 16 Democratic members of Congress donated to Cuellar’s campaign through their campaign committee or leadership PACs during the 2022 election cycle, according to an OpenSecrets analysis of FEC filings. In total, the campaign received some $40,400 in political contributions from other sitting Democrats.
Not sure on 2020 numbers, they're not as quick to find. Not exactly breaking the bank here though. Almost half of his funding that cycle (almost 2 million) actually came from AIPAC, and a lot of the rest from industry and business contributions.
Anyways, details are important. When we look at them, we see a lot more than some sort of "party suppression".