EDIT: Thank you all for detailing your experience with, and hatred for, this miserable product. Your display of solidarity is inspiring. Now, say it with me:
You can like it but I have no idea why. Even if you exclusively use it as a chat app…it sucks. The most recent message is always pulled up/down(depends on settings). The nomenclature is terrible. Go to the ‘whatever team’ in Teams and post a message in the ‘whatever channel’. Saying that verbally to somebody makes it even less clear.
The notifications settings are woefully lacking. Somebody created a chat in the wrong Team? Can you move it? Nope. Had a productive conversation about something that you want to save? Can you export that chat? Nope.
Mind you these are all features in the top 20 or so of most voted on feature request in the Teams community website. So people really want them.
This is mostly a settings thing controlled by the admins but all of our messages auto delete after 60 days. So going back to double check that thing somebody said? Nope. Didn’t write it down elsewhere because it wasn’t important…until it was. That export chat feature would be super handy…