Survey of young people aged 16-25 from all US states shows concerns across political spectrum
Survey of young people aged 16-25 from all US states shows concerns across political spectrum
The overwhelming majority of young Americans worry about the climate crisis, and more than half say their concerns about the environment will affect where they decide to live and whether to have children, new research finds.
The study comes just weeks after back-to-back hurricanes, Helene and Milton, pummeled the south-eastern US. Flooding from Helene caused more than 600 miles of destruction, from Florida’s west coast to the mountains of North Carolina, while Milton raked across the Florida peninsula less than two weeks later.
“One of the most striking findings of the survey was that this was across the political spectrum,” said the lead author, Eric Lewandowski, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. “There was no state sample where the endorsement of climate anxiety came in less than 75%.”
The study was published in the Lancet Planetary Health, and follows a 2021 study covering 10 countries. Both the previous and current study were paid for by Avaaz, an advocacy group.
It's always amazed me that young voters tend to be the most unreliable voting bloc. I was a young, early-20s idealist, and I made sure to go out and vote. Hopefully they step it up this November.
I think there are voter suppression efforts that target youth. Plus they're likely struggling to get by and may feel like they can't spend hours/all day voting.
There's also a huge amount of political cynicism. It's easier to just think that there can be no change, and that my one vote doesn't matter, and that all politicians are evil. I saw this way too much during my college days.
No. No. Absolutely not no. I don't care if youre a Democrat in the middle of rural Kansas. Get the fuck out there and vote. This kind of defeatist shit is exactly what lets those locked in areas get away with it. A revolution has to have attendees. Show up. Vote. Even if you feel like you're voting alone, you're not.
As far as I'm concerned she hasn't won until she's sworn in. And that's the approach people need to take. I agree with convincing Democrats to get their shit together, but this thought train of "I'm not even gonna vote, it's already won/it doesn't matter" is exactly the kind of shit that gets us in trouble. Get out there and vote. It's your fucking responsibility as a citizen of this country. Do it.
Or even worse, people like you who do everything they can to disparage the only party that might possibly do something good…
"The problem isn't with the politicians and their policies, it's with people disparaging them."
In my 42 year being alive, has social mobility improved? Is the education system allowing more young people to succeed? Have we made strong inroads into ensuring all young people have food and a place to live?
If no, then maybe the problem is not with people being disparaging.
If talking about Democrat policies is disparaging to the party then I don't know how I'm supposed to explain why the young folks aren't excited to vote without disparaging the party. XD
Oh look another person pretending not to understand the difference between good faith and bad faith discussion (while clearly and knowingly participating in the latter).
And that's the problem. Why do they need someone to inspire them when they should also be interested and invested in their own future? Can't say the same thing is happening in my country, generally even the most politically apathetic person at this age range (me included) understands the importance of it but somehow this seems like a wild idea in the US?
I agree, it's a very serious problem that the Democrats continue to push policy that is unpopular with young folks.
Why do they need someone to inspire them
Because elections are popularity contests.
they should also be interested and invested in their own future
They very clearly are, but there aren't any American political parties that are invested in their future. Just ones that pretend to cater to them while selling them out to the oil and weapons industries.
somehow this seems like a wild idea in the US?
Yeah, it sucks. Any time you start talking about making the future suck less, Republicans start calling you a commie socialist and Democrats kick you out of the group chat.
That seems very defeatist though? I mean I get where you're coming from in that ideally we'd have options which align more with what we want to move towards progress but realistically that's not something that's entirely possible right now.
Right now, there's an option that pushes progress further back and the other one that seems somewhat neutral by comparison (unfortunately). In that case, wouldn't picking the lesser evil be better than simply standing by and doing nothing?
Let's look at the topic of this thread. Is Harris neutral? She's walked back her stance on being against fracking.
The options are "a lot worse" or "less worse." And those are the options every four years. Voting is ineffective, and Democrats are just as bad as Republicans when it comes to making villains out of climate protestors.
Yes harm reduction is important and I think young people should vote Democrat. But Democrats have done nothing to earn it.
Yea I definitely agree with you entirely and I don't think what I said is in anyway counter to what I said. I do wish that's what people in general keep in mind when choosing what to vote or even voting at all.
It's not defeatism, it's political realism based on an understanding that the USA is not and has never been a democracy. The only two parties that matter get to pick their constituencies and they cannot fail, they can only be failed by the usual electoral scapegoats.
And in any case, the DNC knows they're winning this election so why should they risk alienating their corporate and billionaire donors by appealing to the idealism of the youth?
Also, I don't believe in lesser-evilism. If a party can't pass an anti-genocide bar that's so low as to be subterranean, then they aren't getting my vote.
While I agree with you in the ideal scenario, wouldn't the end result of not voting for the lesser evil lead to the outcome where the greater evil wins anyways? In that case, realistically, wouldn't a lack of a vote be practically equivalent to a vote for the greater evil?
I'm not American and so I have no idea how things on the ground are like but it does seem that the people who support the republicans seem to be a lot more passionate in voting for their end?
No, abstaining is abstaining regardless. All blame directed at uncommitted voters is in reality a fault of the parties that fail to appeal to them.
The voters cannot be blamed for the lacl of choice they were given, to do so is to insist that the parties have a right to make demands of the voters rather than the other way around.
I can't say I agree entirely with you here since it does seem to equate a lack of variety in choices is the same as a lack of choice. Still, I do somewhat get what you mean and I can respect that. Either way, thanks for humouring me, it was enlightening to see the other perspective.
it does seem to equate a lack of variety in choices is the same as a lack of choice
That would seem to be a fundamental point of contention there. In my perspective, a distinction without a difference is a distinction in name only. If there's no variety to a choice then it might as well be moot, the only people who have agency are the ones who constrained the window of choosable options.
Anyways, I'm happy to share my weird perspective on politics. It's always nice when folks actually listen instead of just ending the conversation by declaring me part of their opposition. XD
You understand that with a super-majority in congress, we get to make the rules, right? Companies can only do what is legal in the countries they operate in.
If we decide to take 90% of the money from fossil fuel companies and divert them to clean energy, reduce our DOD spending by 50% and funnel it into scientific research, NASA, etc. then we have a shot.
We are the people, and the government is intended to be a reflection of that. Not the gerrymandered, voter suppressed state it's in today.