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Daily Discussion Thread: 🎄 Wednesday, September 18, 2024


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  • I have a lot of tedious, unfulfilling work I REALLY don't want to do today but need to clear by COB before I go on leave. I've had a slow start to the day and a battle of Feels. Thankfully, the sun is shining so that makes it easier to stay on the good side for now

    Today's strategy:

    • keep reminding myself of the reward after getting through today
    • remind myself efficiency is a good thing too
    • enjoy all the good food - today's medicinal carb is a Woodfrog bakery croissant. Dumplings for lunch
    • go out and weed my planter boxes at lunchtime for some serotonin 'n shit
    • blast all the feel-good 70s/80s pop rock. Currently on Toto, next up is classic Chicago
    • celebrate the end of the day by calling/messaging people I love

    I got this!...

    e: busting out the ELO now. Thanks to this Russian dude who uploaded 2x 2h complications!

    • Ha almost sounds like my day, I'm on leave at COB and on a plane first thing in the morning, but have a STACK to get finished here at work.

      Downsides for me are being onsite in a windowless dungeon (yay for IT getting the least habitable spot on the site...!) and not having the awesome music!

      Plus-side, I have some kickass leftovers from last night for lunch - I've been looking forward to today's lunch since I finished dinner last night!

      5 hours 18 minutes to go...

      • I am infinitely grateful to be wfh on a gorgeous day like this, ngl. Blasting the music and regularly getting up from my chair when I'm bored/frustrated has been helpful. How are you going with the work? I'm making progress, bit spotty but I'm 30% of the way through the shitty reports. If I can get all the worst done by 2pm leaving just banal easy work for the rest of the day, I'll be winning.

        Also what leftovers are these?! I love a good lunch that you can look forward to.

        • I'm so jelly of the WFH! I'm on track to get everything finished on time thankfully. It's just annoying that there's heaps I could have had done already were it not for the dragging of heels by others!

          My wife's pasta, sauce, and killer meatballs (all home-made of course or her Italian mother would disown her!), will surely put me into a food coma for the latter part of the day however :D

          • Hahaha, I only have myself to blame for this backlog (procrastinating on the unpleasant stuff - bandaid being truly ripped off today). It's much more frustrating when the delay is caused by others!

            And that does sound like a very sumptuous meal to look forward to (succulent, even) - I definitely hear you on the food coma though! Leave the easier stuff to after you get that in your gullet :D

            • That's the plan! In fact I'm just about to tuck in to my meal! My Succulent Italian Meal! :D

              Edit: ELO are awesome. That is all.

    • You have to put on Eye of the Tiger, it's just a good rev up song for me.

      Please look after yourself!

      • This upcoming break couldn't come sooner, although it's unfortunate timing for work as it's a busy period with all the storms and shit. Thankfully they have never made me feel bad about leave as I generally tend to deliver otherwise.

    • Yass! You have! ✨

    • You can do it!

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