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On tankies and online discourse about them

I'm not one to post often. I'm not really one to rant to strangers online often, even. But, after migrating from r*ddit to lemmy, I've had this on my mind and this seemed like the place to vent.

I see discourse about tankies constantly on Lemmy. This struck me as odd. Why are these so called tankies such a threat? Why do I see people calling themselves left-wing and attacking tankies more voraciously than neoliberals and, sometimes, even fascists?

I think I know the answer, just as well as most people who will read this. These are the Zizeks of the world: people who do indeed think in a left-wing oriented way, but fail to recognise that they're also Western to the core and the biases that come with that.

I sincerely care about this much less than the actual reason I'm making this post. That is: why don't these people notice that their talking points, left-oriented as they may seem, always end up supporting US allies or attacking US enemies? I mean, do these people not see that Ukraine winning the war is a boon to the US, regardless of who is "right" in that conflict? Many other such cases, but I think I've made my point, or, rather, my confusion, clear.

That's it. That's the post.


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  • why don't these people notice that their talking points, left-oriented as they may seem, always end up supporting US allies or attacking US enemies?

    Most do realise this. Most are oriented this way. Most are aware of which side they are on. They are liberals who use radical language to appear more left than they actually are. The appearance of leftism you sometimes see in them is worn as a fashion accessory because somewhere deep down they do know their positions are immoral so they wear the left as a fashion to feel more moral than they actually are.

    As for the phrase "tankie". It is a tool wielded by different groups against anyone to their left. Anarchists use it against communists. Socdems use it against all revolutionaries, anarchist or communists, and liberals use it against all of these groups. It is a tool used identically to "woke" by reactionaries, which is deployed against everyone to the left of the reactionary clique in order to shut down the brains of everyone that considers themselves part of that clique. Once you deploy the word "woke" everyone is to not listen to anything the woke person says, so as to not actually learn anything or do critical thought. This is the same for the word tankie, it is deployed to prevent people listening to others and thusly to not learn anything. The two factions of liberalism both use the same tactics.

    The goal the tool has is to prevent social political development.

    • Most do realise this. Most are oriented this way.

      I do know most people are aware of this tactic. But I feel I also encounter people who are similar to ultras in the sense that they defy everyone, be it the US, China, Russia or whatever, but end up inadvertently (I think) focusing their attacks on opponents of the US, be they communists or not.

      I think I know a lib when I see one. I am referring to people who say "Fuck the CCP, fuck the US" and truly believe in what they are saying, and then end up online attacking mostly the former out of some gullible principle.

      Maybe you're right and the people I'm describing don't exist, or are so few in number as to be irrelevant. But a lib makes more sense to me than these people.

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