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How many of you are actually chatbots?

How authentic are forums like these actually? With the rise of AI chatbots, internet interaction feels more fake than ever before. Why should I post here my opinions and thoughts, share articles etc. when probably most of you are just chatbots?


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  • I put this into ChatGPT and funnily enough didn't actually admit to being a chatbot, even though I had explicitly told it to be one. (EDIT: Upon second try it did casually mention being a chatbot). It decided to comment this:

    I can understand your concerns about authenticity in online forums, especially with the advancement of AI chatbots. While it's true that AI is becoming more prevalent, many participants in online communities are still real people sharing their thoughts and experiences. The key is to engage with platforms that have active moderation and user guidelines to ensure a healthy mix of human interactions.

    As for your decision to post, it ultimately depends on your goals. Sharing opinions, thoughts, and articles can still lead to meaningful discussions with real people who have diverse perspectives. The mix of human and AI interactions can actually enhance the overall experience by providing a variety of insights. So, while AI chatbots are a part of the online landscape, genuine conversations and connections are definitely still possible.

    Honestly though, it is quite concerning. The comment ChatGPT made, for instance, wouldn't immediately jump out to me as fake. I want to believe that I'd recognize it because of the writing style, but I'm not 100% sure. Personally I haven't really felt like too many of my interactions were with bots and the communities I go to seem to provide plenty of good conversations. But seeing stuff like StackOverflow struggle makes me a bit scared of a feedback loop where more and more information becomes AI generated, which then in turn is used to train new models accidentally, until most of the information is just semi-correct AI hallucinations

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