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  • Some of my fav bits from this 92 page pile of donkey turds

    President Biden has taken decisive action to secure our border through executive actions that have significantly restricted eligibility for asylum at the border and created innovative legal pathways to the U.S. that, when coupled with strong enforcement, have decreased illegal border crossings. Since President Biden announced new border restrictions in June 2024, the number of unlawful crossings has fallen by 40 percent, demonstrating that the policy works. He has also implemented policies that have stopped record amounts of fentanyl from crossing our border.

    From page 62; weren't we talking about how inhumane this was?


    President Biden has repeatedly asked Congress for additional resources to secure our border, including increases for personnel that are critically needed to quickly deliver consequences at the border to those who cross unlawfully. The Department of Homeland Security requested funds to hire 1,300 Border Patrol agents and 1,600 asylum officers. Meanwhile, the bipartisan Senate bill would have provided an additional 1,500 Customs and Border Protection personnel and 4,300 asylum officers. Congressional Republicans continue to play partisan politics with the security of our border instead of working with Democrats to fund these critically needed resources for DHS and border communities.

    From page 63, guess not, fuck them kids (in cages). I could pull more from their immigration section, but it's just pissing me off.

    President Biden is working to build a durable peace in the Middle East bolstered by regional integration, a strong coalition to counter and deter Iran and prevent it and its terrorist proxies from threatening the security of the region, and a negotiated two-state solution that ensures Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state with recognized borders and upholds the right of Palestinians to live in freedom and security in a viable state of their own. The terrorist group Hamas sought to destroy the promise of that vision on October 7, 2023, but they will not succeed. The United States strongly supports Israel in the fight against Hamas. And the hard work of diplomacy under the President's leadership has made real progress on a way forward that will free the hostages, establish a durable ceasefire, ease humanitarian suffering in Gaza, and make possible normalization between Israel and key Arab states, together with meaningful progress and a political horizon for the Palestinian people.

    From page 82

    Holy shit, they really do attack Trump for not doing enough about Iran lmao

    All of this [ed: prior 3 paragraphs all about bs Biden did against Iran] stands in sharp contrast to Trump's fecklessness and weakness in the face of Iranian aggression during his presidency. In 2018, when Iranian-backed militias repeatedly attacked the U.S. consulate in Basra, Iraq Trump’s only response was to close our diplomatic facility. In June 2019, when Iran shot down a U.S. surveillance aircraft operating in international airspace above the Straits of Hormuz, Trump responded by tweet and then abruptly called off any actual retaliation, causing confusion and concern among his own national security team. In September 2019, when Iranian-backed groups threatened global energy markets by attacking Saudi oil infrastructure, Trump failed to respond against Iran or its proxies. In January 2020, when Iran, for the first and only time in its history, directly launched ballistic missiles against U.S. troops in western Iraq, Trump mocked the resulting Traumatic Brain Injuries suffered by dozens of American servicemembers as mere “headaches” – and again, took no action

    From page 83

    Page 84 actually pisses me off more than the immigration section.

    Also, I get 12 matches for "in his second term" referring to Biden's (presumptive) second term, are these idiots aware of who their nominee is? I'm supposed to take this clown shoes party seriously when they can't even fucking proofread their own officially released documents?

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