I just need to gush for a minute. I am about to shutdown my server in order to move it to the basement. This off the shelf $300 desktop running Pop!_OS is my self-hosting server that has dutifully done it's job without a single complaint. It has been rebooted maybe three times since 2020 and it currently has an uptime of 840 days. That's 840 days of not ever thinking about this thing. It self updates via Cron jobs and just...works.
I am afraid to open the box up though. Those dust bunnies must be huge.
>I am afraid to open the box up though. Those dust bunnies must be huge.
Yeah probably, but it's necessary to remove them if you want your machine to stay in good conditions for the next years, even more important when it's running 24/7.
I know, that's why I'm opening it and why it is going to the basement. It's basically a concrete bunker at a constant 50°f with no windows and just a filtered radon extraction unit. There are cans sitting there since the COVID lockdown that still have no dust on them. The closet it is in now has carpet. Enough said.
EDIT: It was shockingly clean. Some dust and cobwebs, but very little.