Are you sure you replied to the right comment? I'd rather see comments like theirs than responses like yours. I can't find anything in their words that merits your toxicity. If one of you sounds miserable, it's not Izzent. Blaze.
It's so unbelievably funny how you think you're proving a point by just giving your opinion, when they're the one shooting down an interesting question. Carry on.
Oh, and I couldn't give less of a fuck about your screenshot and the implication that I'd delete my comment. It's as if you think you have an argument, hilarious.
Judging by how you seem to take everything as some sort of personal attack, the amount of disturbances you must go through every day, sounds exhausting. You are not that energy.
I think they were just suggesting that it should be discussed in the app specific community as they thought it was an app issue not a federation issue.