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What calming techniques do you utilize in your everday life?

We talked stuff that works you up, how about things that you do to calm down? What techniques, activities, mantras, stims, etc. do you do to keep yourself comfortable and safe? Feel free to share what you'd like - and something kinda cool is that you might end up helping someone else down the line.


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  • I argue that we're overpopulated, but my girlfriend argues that we have so much land and can practice much more efficient forms of farming/housing/trades -> that we don't because of capitalism that it's not the amount of people that we have but more so the greed. Idk though, I think it's crazy that we poo-poo on cats doubling with each generation (fix your cats) but we don't seem to have any issues with us doubling every generation. But anything else is creepily Eugenics like, so eh. But the birth rate has slowed down, so there's that. I know a whole lot of people who are like me and never really had any interest in having children. I always figured if it's something you're interested in pursue the venture. People always say have the cash, but you can raise a kid on nothing and still get by. Just try and be there for the kid as much as you can.

    I only brought up eugenics (keep bringing it up?) because there's a sick underlying issue that is going to be more and more present in our lives in that many people are going to be displaced at minimum and killed at maximum over global warming. And it's crazy because we as a people get to say now - when is enough, enough and we pull back and stop living in excess as we do and start doing what's right for the greater good. And that drives me banana bonkers. Because who's to say x-life is more valuable than y? Although I guess we've been down this route before (I mean it's basically the trolley problem right?) and I feel like the large issue as a whole is democrats move too damn slowly (they sit on their hands) and republicans don't do shit but put up straw men and jabber.

    If you want kids, and you are in the space that you can have them you really should consider adoption if you can. Or just like, go have a kid. I know that's fucked up to say especially after what we've talked about. But I have a friend who wanted a kid. I mean that's all he wanted, to be a dad. And he has health issues, and he has mental illness. But he just wanted to be a dad, and he works for the public school system so it's not like he's rolling in it. But he became a dad six months ago with a woman who's on-board with him and he's like the happiest I've ever seen him. I really honestly believe if you have a drive in your being to have kids you should find someone else who's about it and consider it only on account of living life half-boiled probably feels rotten and I know I sound anti-children but really I don't have any skin in the game because I never wanted kids so it's easy for me to talk about it. But beyond all the doom and gloom consider enjoying what you can now. But also realize that it's a lifelong commitment, which I think you're smart enough to know.

    Also education changes so much it's absolutely insane. I had no clue. It makes me want to slap someone. They keep people from it, and we should be taxing people equitably and providing services for the betterment of everyone. In fact I think just that act alone would unionize America because people would feel less put out. The legalization of drugs would also assist, because even though I am stone sober - if you can't push a bunch of shit garbage on the street what is the next gang war going to be about? Bring education, and legalize this shit you idiots =P! Then again, I heard you need to keep elements of the seedier side of life going. But that might literally just be a means of oppression so in that case? Eh, what do I know =P!

    Also, I'd agree that 1 bil seems like a earnest cap and I think it's kind of a double edged sword because I heard so many people call for stable living = kids. But at the end of the day I always think about that mouse study they did.

    • Yeah that mouse study is crazy. Its like the better things are the worse they are. I knew what it was going to be before I clicked it. Mouse utopia to dystopia just like us. I get your girlfriend but again I still estimate the top to be 4 billion if we did things perfectly with our current technology (currrently in practice technology) Its possible advances outside the lab could get us further but we are overfishing as it is and its not like we are using fish for a bunch of industrial practices Heck people are even avoiding eating to much fish due to the health issues. If everyone on the planet ate a healthy amount of fish (lets not bring vegan things into this for purposes of argumentation on this theoretical we will assume a varied omnivore kind of diet) we would have to catch more than we have now at 8 billion. Now if petri dish fish gets to be a thing maybe that is no longer a blocker but we all know there will be some percentage, and maybe a high one, that will insist on it coming from the animal and the petri dish is unnatural. Like the population and those in existence we can't just take out anyone who is not compliant. Its much easier to encourage not reproducing. Im not to worried about the young having to support the old. I really don't want to saddle kids with that responsibility anyway and much like with the way of doing things environment wise there are plenty of humans that will keep the meat worker train going.

      • I actually wonder about this. Because I am a complicated character, that enjoys eating vegetarian to vegan food (It's hard to break away from eggs on account of rice -> eggs kinda being programmed into my mind as the best breakfast). But I've eaten most things by this point (outside of frogs, seems stupid to eat your luck away) and I would agree that eating more fish is good (on paper?) I am not sure if it's sustainable though, because didn't the North East of North America kill off their fish by overfishing? So it has to be paired with sustainability. But I also heard something about how direly polluted our waters are currently and that it's being leaked into the fish. BUT!!!!! I also think a lot of Americans on the whole do not like seafood unless it's mashed, breaded and fried and that's always been a strange affair to me.

        I talked about the petri-meat on here before. I think it's really crazy that most people I know don't even eat real food - and I am sure it's not just my folks living in isolation. I really think most Americans on the whole do not eat real food - and yet people are freakin' livid that the thing they're eating that is substantially meat didn't once live breathe or suffer for the cause...of feeding humans? Kinda weird stuff, but I can't say much because I do get how food companies bastardize food until it's just a slurry of diabetes inducing shit. I think more people like me are coming about and becoming nature's birth control. That's how I always saw myself, because I really had no interest in children ever. But equally, I think there's been studies showing that gay kids tend to act sort of as such. But idk, because I've known plenty of gays who want babies. I think it's more of a personal thing now.

        We've always sort of had the system where the young take care of the old, and I do actually believe we have a duty to care for those who need assistance. And I mean it in all forms. But at the end of the day, I am not really sure of the systems we can put in place to do so. It's perhaps one of the biggest brain-teasers of my own life. Because I am not sure what is going to happen when I age. But bleakest outcome is - if I get sick and there is some sort of legalized assisted suicide - bing there. But I really do have this feeling like "I've so much to give." And have heard even Buddhist monks express mortal terror in the face of death. So humans, as a whole are just funny little creatures and we're throwing our shit all over the place but I think we're acting up because we're all (for the most part) a little scared and pretty burnt out by the way modern society has moved us against ourselves for such an extended period of time.

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