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  • I really want to know whether these libs truly believe in the "just a stutter" nonsense or if they're all cynical lying garbage.

    • The stutter excuse always pissed me off something fierce

      I have a stutter and it can get pretty bad, I had to King's Speech myself for years to get to a relatively "normal" cadence

      But at my worst, I never just trailed off and said gibberish

      • Same. I had a stutter growing up that I had to work through and still manifests when I'm really excited (so almost never kiryu-pain ) and whatever the hell is going on with Brandon isn't that.

      • You can actually see him stuttering in some videos and it's... a stutter. not this brain pudding crap he's been doing since '19.

    • It's kind of both. People are able to hold both a belief and its opposite at the same time. This puts them in a state of stressed-out dissonance, yes, but the overriding belief is that that dissonance will be cured - in this case - when biden wins, so the stutter narrative becomes prominent. If they could be convinced to sit down with their thoughts and really consider it they would inevitably accept that it is not just a stutter, but they keep themselves in a hyped-up frenzy so that sort of calm consideration never takes place.

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