The Baby Bullet by Wolfgoreshow
Are you ready to get pumped?
what vibes do I give off? generator
read unsent letters
a pretty intense art-site for which I recommend turning your speakers on
make a beaded bracelet online and send it to a friend through the power of url parameters
sand physics game except it's an aquarium you have to keep in balance
generate a bird avatar based on your name
a virtual pub in static html
make blackout poems from tweets
Cuba's Underground Gaming Network
refresh for another awful affirmation
cute lil personality test
list of sites that weigh in at less than 1MB
a 1928 method of creating plots for (zany) stories, now online
excellent poultry webcams
smart person decluttering by shipping packages of random stuff to whoever'll pay postsage
website lets you attend a random recorded classical performance
play instruments as bongo cat
webGL 3d sculpting app, somehow