3 AFVs on a beach
The absolute Noncredibility of North Korean anti-drone tactics.
Trust nothing
If I had a nickel for every time a Russian SAM shot down a civilian airliner.....
Merry Christmas NCD!
I've been really good this year, Santa!
Merry Christmas, Weebs
Santa don't we talked about this!!!!
Santa’s sleigh vaporized by heavy anti-aircraft fire over New Jersey
You better watch out, you better not cry
A guy who flies around without regard to anyone's airspace
Vertical envelopment, gentlemen. Death from above.
Chinook appreciation thread
The crew of the Gettysburg really work fast, huh?
Good job, US navy
Honestly, not surprised
M1A1 Abrams in Woodland Soyjack
It's General Shepard, sir. He's been drinking Robitussin and posting on 4chan again.
They are truly masters of disguise